• osteopathy


    Osteopathy bases its approach on the unity between body, mind and spirit, a unity that tends towards self-regulation in the interdependence between structure and function. When overload or a dysfunctional event occurs, the self-regulatory capacity is altered and health is …

  • yoga in bosa sardinia


    Yoga is an ancient discipline based on a harmonious system of balanced development of consciousness and the awareness of being human.

    In Sanskrit, the word yoga is formed from two words: “yo” which means union and “ghan ” which means …

  • shiatsu Elena Ranaldo


    Shiatsu is an experience that transports you beyond linear time and physical space. The pressure applied through the hands moves the Ki energy and with it memories, thoughts and images. It gives flexibility to the body, loosens blockages, regulates vital …

  • ayurveda in Bosa Sardinia


    As a method of treatment Ayurveda is not only based on deep philosophical, clinical and therapeutic thought – it also embodies a philosophical and scientific vision which is wide-ranging and linked to the observation of nature. Ayurveda considers that humans …

  • essential oil massage in bosa sardinia

    Regenerating essential oil massage

    The essential oil massage, supported by a treatment of the energetic points, gives you a pleasing sensation of relax and vitality. Flowing movements and deep pressures liberate you from stress and muscle aches. It encourages the processes of regeneration and …

  • holistic massage lymphatic drainage in bosa sardinia

    Ayurvedic massage of the Wandering Monks tradition

    Holistic massage is a total body massage. The use of warm scented oil – almond oil or ghee – mixed with natural essences from locally gathered Mediterranean herbs allows the hands to move smoothly over the body bringing calm, serenity, …

  • biodynamic craniosacral therapy in bosa sardinia

    Biodynamic craniosacral therapy


    This is a type of osteopathic massage and energy balancing treatment which focuses on stimulating the natural healing mechanisms of the body. It is based on ‘listening’ to the deep movements of ‘primary respiration’. According to Doctor …